Premaman really makes my day. This brand is rock! My face is beaming wide with the cheaper price for the same stuff at Mothercare. Plus, they offer more variety in design and colour to suit my need. Well, maybe everybody needs. To know more do click at their website. Do not read it wrong, I am not their spoke person. It just I love sharing my shopping experience.
Some of the baby's stuffs that we managed to buy. And, the bed in bag pics that I promised in my previous entry to share in my blog. The 'hasil tangkapan ' at Mothercare.
sukanya baby nanti....mama & papa beli macam2.
kakna..dgr kata dh selamat sampai..alhamdulilah..bestnya rindu kelate nih...cepat2 upload gmbr sale ko dr ashraf..
Waaahhh.. lembu yg chumel! 'KAK' Ayu pun suke heheheh..
hahah 'kak' ke 'aunty' ayu kan suka lembu new zealand..
I pun pakai sterilizer Avent tu, tapi i tak beli la,Kawan2 office my hubby hadiahkan, nak beli sendiri agak mahal jugak bende tu kat sini, around RM 350 camtu, Tapi memang sangat berguna.
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