I've been tagged by nabil.
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
Err...many things..
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
Emm,, my clothes during soldes.
3) Where do you wish to get married?
I am already married.
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Er..maybe since I was 26 years old..or entahla..Nothing is forever..
5) Are you in love?
Yes..hehehhee..I am in love with a guy named Izham..Love u !
6) Name the latest book that you bought?
French book for the new beginner and French dictionary.
7)What is your full name?
8) Do you prefer your mother or father
Of course both, but sometimes I prefer to talk to my mum when I have a problem..Not marriage problem though..This problem will be told to my new good listener friend . You know who you are! ( yg sllu online ngn aku la) Thanks frenz..I am glad to know u..hehehe..
9) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time..
Emm..so far, nobody..
10) Christina or Britney?
Neither Christina nor Britney..Both of them are crap ..hhehehe.
11) Do you do your own laundry?
Who else??
12) The most exciting place you want to go?
Tour all over the European Country and of course to Mecca..Insya Allah..
13) Hugs or kisses?
Depends on the mood and condition..hehehee..Well, I know I can have them both easily from my hubby..hehhee..muahs..
14) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
I do not know her very well, but I guess..she is easygoing, determined in any action that she takes, good student ( yela sb tgh wat PHD heheheh), going on holiday to homeland soon, bad tempered ( I guess!), jgn marah aku ..ampun..hehe..and lastly..Nabil, it much better ko tambah sendiri last thing tentang ko ..hhehehe..
15)8 things I am passionate about:
Lazy to list down..but plenty k..but one of that is, blogging..
16)8 things I say too often:
-tak nak sudah..
-U syg I tak? Normal la..sembang ngn laki..apa lg nk tanya..hehehe..
17)4 books I’ve read recently:
French for beginner.
Mostly are mags such as..cosmopolitan, easy living, OK, Hello and many more..most of the mags are the gossips about the celebrities..
18)8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
-For this moment is koleksi lagu raya.
-graduation by vit.c.
-Love storey by andy william.
-You are my everything by santa Esmeralda.
-Youth of the Nation by P.O.D
-Yesterday by the Beattles.
-Lagu siti yang lama2.
-Lagu-lagu melayu tapi zaman tahun 90 -an.
19)8 things I learnt last year:
I learnt a lot of things and most of them, make me become wiser, matured and emotionally control in any action. Especially when I have something that make my mind frayed like crap!
-I learnt to be more tolerate with my partner.
-I learnt to appreciate what I have.
-I learnt to be a good cook.
-I learnt to improve my English language.
-I learnt to adapt myself and worked in a foreign land..I used to work as a cleaner a.k.a floor engineer, data entry clerk with royal mail and it only last for 2 weeks though..hehehe because I was so bored with the working environment ..mengadap komputer mcm taik..as a volunteer worker at the charity shop, nevertheless ,I got paid you know! Not too bad.. 8 quids for 2 hours working in a week..hehhe..
-I learnt about the foreign culture during travelling.
-I learnt to be more careful in every single aspects in life..
- I learnt everything..in every single seconds..
8 people that I love to tag -
nobody...sorry! hehehe
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
hehehe floor engineer...
hahhaaa..mantap ko gaji part time floor engineer..aku leh round UK and paris tu..hehhee
so skarang ko keje domestic manager, brape lak gaji ko?
domestik manager lg sikit..hahahahaha
nurul, aku tak determined...selalu main2.. n tak habis keja apa aku start hehe. bad tempered tu betul kot hehe, tapi cepat maafkan org jugak (so aci la eh?). tang good student tu... hmm mcm dah tak good dah hehe.
aku gelak part: u syg i tak? heheh ayat default pompuan hehehe...walaupun dah tau jawapan pun nak tanya kan. anyway good luck with ur french lesson.
Nabil..tq..aku wish ko cepat dpt phd..hehehe....ala sgt la ayat tu je aku tnya ari2..kadang2 b4 tnya..aku br buka mulut nk tnya soalan..dia dh jwb syg..ataupun yes ja..hahahaha..
eh apsal ah kite aje suke tanya tu? apsal laki tak suke tanya?
tapi pnah aku tanya bajang, hang sayang aku tak? dia kata hang sayang aku tak? then aku kata tak..gi! gi balik!! heheh dia rilek aje. klu kite kna mesti melenting tak ingat huhuhu
z, aku rasa sb mmg pompuan cam kite ni gedik..suka tnya soklan gitu..aku pun..kalu dia kata tak syg akan je aku kata.."u pk balik, br jwb"..hehehehe..saja nk manja2..hahaha
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