As usual, friday will be my laundry day. So, I went off to the launderette to get my job done. When I was in the shop, I met one elderly lady at the age of 70 yrs, perhaps. Actually she was trying to help me with the phone call since I can't speak French. The incident was like this, Before starting the washing machine, I needed to insert money in the centralize machine. After inserting Euro 5 note, I tried to press my washing machine number. Unfortunately,it was not working. So, when this lady noticed that I was in trouble, she offered hands to me. She asked me something, but I could not understand it..Suddenly, she popped in a question, "Parlez vous Anglais?". That mean, Do you speak English? Such a lucky day for me, because it was the least question that I would expected from local people in the French speaking area..hahaaha..
So I told her what the problem was..Actually, I was shocked to death because,at first I intended to ask help from her but in my heart I said, she is too old and she might not know other languages. See, the moral is, do not judge the book by its cover..hehee..Of course I did not expect the 70 yrs old lady to speak good english in Belgium. But, she proved me wrong!hehhee..She was my life saviour..
Straightaway, she made a phone call to the laundrette owner on my behalf, I was pretty glad indeed! When we were waiting for the owner to come, we spoke to each other and out of the blue, she asked me whether I wanted her furniture or not. Does it sounds weird? Well, she said that she wanted to give away the furniture since she is moving to Brittany, France soon. Rather than renting some bloody fortune van for the transportation, it would be much better to give up all the things to charity.
I did ask her though, why would she consider giving everything to me when she didn't even know me? It sounded too good to be true. In fact, if she tried to hustle me, she will not get any benefit from that..And she said, when she was living in California (she lived there for 30 years and worked as a French language teacher in the US and after retired she came back to Belgium.)there were many chinese and asian people living there and she trusted them and respected them so much,because she said Asian people are serious in doing something unlike the Belgians. Waw, I felt like flying in the air..bangga sat jadi Asean people..hehhe..or maybe because, Asian love the freebie? hehehe
Well, I said to her that, I am broke this month, so if there is nobody wanting the furniture by mid of october, I will arrange the transport to collect all those things..I hope so..We exchanged our contact numbers though!Tgkla cene nanti..hehehe ..ada rezeki adala..if something is meant for you, it will be yours matter how long it takes!
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
rejeki ramadhan :)
belle..aku pun rasa la..hehehe
eh nurul, pelik gak ek..kat sini 80% orangnya fluent english except pak arab..tempat ko memang tak ramai pandai cakap english ke
errr klu terlebih sgt rezeki ko tu, passla kat aku sket huhuhu
zek..buley2..aku pass kat ko kalu aku dpt hehhe//
alahai natrah..apa ko nk expect?ni french area..hehehe..kalu depa pandai pun ko ingt depa nk guna ke?french pun international language maa..lain la dutch,bukan...depa proud gile ngn bahasa depa..mmg depa leh ckp ..just bg depa english or other languages are the least languages depa nk ko leh imagine aku sengsara kadang2 duk belgium ni pasai language barrier, mmg boring pun belgium reality la..hahahhaa
kak nurul! hehe ape lagik! p lar amik hehe well kat sini pun camtu gak. jgn anggap orang luar jahat sgt, I got one nice dining table for FREE! hehe now become wide my study desk! hehe so xpayah nk beli meja.
zie..takla anggap dep tak mau trust org luar yg tak dikenali..except a few friends of mine like stephanie and laurence..hehehe
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