I got news from my parents that my elder sister is admitted to the hospital, HUKM after being ill for a couple of days. She was hospitalized this morning and straightaway the medical staffs strolling her down to the Emergency unit. The doctor said that, she had the dengue fever. Her platlet counts is lower than it should be. And as the matter of fact, if there is no immediate action taken it can lead to bleeding cases and if the platelet level drops significantly, a platelet transfusion is indicated in this cases . Do remember that, our platelet should not be lower than the minimum level! If not we are in trouble and it can lead to the bleeding as known as 'denggi berdarah' in Malay.
My brother said that the doctor had to have an intravenous drip in her hand to make her feel better. Only a huge volume of water intake can increase the platelet and as usual, there is no medicine for the dengue fever. In fact, this fever takes quite a longer time to recover. In the hospital she is only being given paracetamol to make things getting better.
Well, I do not know whether now is the dengue season or what in Malaysia? But, I hope there will be no more of my beloved family and friends getting this fever. I can't bear to accept the bad news anymore..Hope my sister will get better soon..Pity her new baby girl, only 2 months old and she needs to be left with..emm.. I don't know whom..when her dad needs to go to work if my sister still in the ward. However, I hope my brother in law can think of something about their kids..Oh dear! Eid-ul Fitr just around the corner,and I really hope everything is ok soon...
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
Nurul kesiannya kat kakak ko. InsyaAllah we'll make dua for her. Hope she gets better soon.
tu la nabil..aritu adik..ni akak aku lak..dh la br pas pntng..ngn baby lg..risau aku..amin
nurul...my deepest sympathy to ur sister..kat sini pun, depa asyik buat fogging je..tgh musim kot sbb lately hujan bersungguh2....doa byk2 di bulan ramadhan ni, sbb aku ada baca,,,Allah mdgr dan menjawap doa pada 1/3 malam....insyaallah...akak hang akan sembuh...
aret...tq..er 1/3 ramadhan ke akhir ramadhan?hehehe..sama la kot asal ramadhan,,,tu ar aku rasa season denggi ni ...bahaya tul..ko pun hati2..
Nurul.. byk2 bersabar kay.. sekrg mmg musim denggi kat Malaysia. Memang kena byk minum air, tu cara terbaik nk cepat sembuh. Hrp Kakak nurul cepat sembuh kay!! Berkat bulan ramadhan ni, byk2 doa..
niza..harap2 mcm tu la..aminnn
adik ko nurul ituhari dh baik ke? kena kakak lak yer.. kesian nyer... bnyk tul dugaan.. harap tabah.. semoga cepat sembuh..
helen..sgt la..aritu adik ok..dh ok..just tak la ful recovery tp dh ok la..ni akak aku lak..hhuuhuh
adik ko tu stay sama dgn kakak ko ke? if yes, no wonder la dia kna sama..biasanya 1-2 mggu, rangkaian jangkitan stil `berlegar2` kat situ..dah brapa byk fogging? ada kes2 lain ke yg dekat area adik ko tinggal? kat uma tu, try tgok tmpat2 g ble mbiak nyamuk..especially kat bilik air tu..pam tandas bfgsi tak?kat dapur- biasanya aku jumpa kat belakang peti ais (if pt ais baru, xde talam pt sejuk kat bawah u..try ygok kat BELAKANG pt ais)..buang seme bekas2 yag mnakung air..utk pcegahan yg lain2 seisi uma, ble sembur aerosol (ridset ke, shieltox ke, apa ke)antara jam 5pg-8pg dan 5ptg-8mlm.tu waktu aktif aedes isap darah..
tak de mnda lain yg ble wat kecuali minum air byk2 sbb virus tu akan sbb kan dehidration. berapa platlet adik ko skrg nih?
suh mnum air byk2..amik ORS pn ok jugak instead of 100plus (ni byk gula..xbaik utk ksihatan
make sure ahli uma yg lain g wat blood test utk make sure xde virus denggi tu..cakap je kat hosp utk blood test sbb ahli uma ada kna dggi..if dapat detect awal, sng Jab Kesihatan nk wat aktiviti kawalan yg lebih intensif. Biasanya 5-7 ari selepas digigit nyamuk br start demam..so,masa kna gigit nyamuk tu, mmg kita xrasa demam @ apa..Kempen aku-->Jika Demam, Dapatkan RAwatan Segera..Take it serious beb..jgn tggu demam dh pat lima ari br nk g jmpa Dr..hmm..ngalah kan Dr pulak aku nih..well,ni based on my own experience kja kat KB arituh..
mgkin kgkawan Dr ble bg info medical..aku takat bg info nyamuk je la, k? ;-)
ain..tqqqqqq sgt info pnting ni...ops akak n adik aku duk umah lain2..ti aku bgtau famili aku suh blood test..mana la tau kan..bagus2..aku lupa ko keje kat jab kesihatan dulu..tq tq tq
weh..g wat blood test tu utk sesapa yg dk satu uma& yg ada kontek dgn pesakit..jgn ko pulak yg g wat blood test..eheh
ain..aku lah p wat skali..pahtu aku pita,./.wakaka.
dulu time aku denggi, macam2 petua ada..minum air kelapa, makan pharmaton, 100-plus etc etc..tapi rasanya yg paling mujarab memang air..tapi kena minum tak berhenti..kalau boleh setiap saat minum pegi bilik air..pastue minum lagi..aku buat camtue esok terus keluar spital...
natrah..aku dh bgtau akak aku..status terkini masih di wad kecemasan..aku harap dia cepat2 kuar..amin
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