As my pregnancy advance, nervous feeling is hunting me every now and then. What the labor will be? How long does the labor last? How to cope with the pain and how my baby will look like? Kicking and wiggling from the baby is getting stronger day by day. And sometimes it hurts when the baby gives me a very sharp flying kick. Hmm..Practice make perfect, the baby says to me...*wink*wink*
This week I am officially entering weeks 36 in my pregnancy. I could give birth anytime from this week. Well, it is true the pregnancy age is counting up to 40 weeks but normally by week 38 most women have already give birth.
I can picture myself precisely with the baby after giving birth. Definitely, I will feel a huge release feeling after finishing the big ordeal. Now, I am contemplating between taking an epidural or not during the birth. Some people say, the epidural injection does not hurt at all since the labor pain is more intense and overcome all the painful during birth. But, some people say it hurt especially the first injection to numb the area before inserting the epidural needle and catherer. Sigh! But, I think I will decide when the time is come. If I could not stand the pain, I will ask the epidural. Oh God, please give me strength for the D day..amin.
To all my dear friend, I would like to ask forgiveness if I have ever made mistakes and hurt your feeling without realizing it. Please pray for me and the baby. Hope everything is going very well and the labor is short and easy..Aminn..
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
debar2.... oyeen pun debar nak tunggu turn... aper pun... gd luck nurul.. insyaallah... semuanya selamat....
nurul...ako deliver on 37th week..kira ada 1 week more for you to wait..;)
good luck..byk2kan baca surah maryam (gynae ako kata cam ubat selusuh)...insyaallah ok..
and..try not to take epidural..good during labour pain but sometimes ada side effect sampai ko tua..
nurul, aku doakan ko selamat menjalani proses yang mendebarkan tu..don't worry my friend..bykkan baca surat maryam and most importantly, mintak maaf ngan hubby before going to labor room.
kawan2..tqqqqqqqq..sgt duk amal surah maryam ari2 skrg ni..lin..sgt kalu week 37 next week la aku..wawwwww
kena baca surah luqman n yusof gaks..mana tau bukan baby girl..hehe..
gud luck nurul..ko ingat je..kalau semua leh branak..ko pun leh!!!u go girl -zaira
Wahhh, almost time eh.. aku pon doakan semuanya selamat utk ko nanti. mudah-mudahan, amin.
semoga selamat semua...kwn2 lain semua dah bg tips tu hehehe
take care and pantang elok tau...
zaira..yes i can do it!hehehe
noor..tqtqtq doakan sy ok!
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