The random act of boredom entry for today. I talked to Laurence before and she needs our help to feed her cat when they are away for the whole week in the next week. Well, of course we do not mind to do that since she always be there when I need her help (Not even a single time she refused to help me in my needy time..I mean both of them,Greg and her)..So I reckon this is one of the 'rezeki' for us when we are far away from our homeland. To have very helpful friends and neighbour that we can rely on. So do we know 'rezeki' is not simply in terms of can be anything as long as it gives something good for you in life.
-Exhausted evening-
I went shopping to buy something for me. I kept walking around until my feet getting numb and enfeeble. It was the worst record ever for me. At length I covered only five shops in three hours. Simply because I need to walk slowly like snail just if the 'bleeding incident' back on, Nauzubillah.
Shopping around to save me some penny is must and it was hard to tackle my eagerness when I kept setting my eyes on something that not in the list accidentally..But it is not something to pen on in details. Like Zek said, it such a shallow and superficial attitude ok unless you really want and need the items badly and genuinely.Well Zek..I think it is true, let's people acknowledge our talent and achievement not our shopping spree habit. Well, the best question is, what have you achieved in the last three years, Nurul? Emm..Nothing just my 'keep blooming bump'.Very lame achievement for a housewife like me, indeed. But again, it is 'rezeki'..thanks to the Almighty!
One thing I will keep blogging though, about to colour my travel map after the trip to every destination especially in Europe and about the journey throughout the pregnancy and motherhood period. Regardless how bored, pathetic and show off it looks.The reason is, for my self reference and track back the memory lane in the future and if the cliche reason do count in here, My arrogant answer will be 'Ingat senang ke nak ada peluang tour tempat orang? since dah ada peluang ni..memang aku akan kaler map and akan guna the best crayon ever to make sure the colour does not fade away! Noted!
Stop crapping entry Nurul, just go to sleep will you? Ok.ok..till next time.
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
Dear kak nurul! Tahniah nnt dah nk dapat baby... huhu
zie..tq..harap2 la seme ok..tak sabar nk tgk muka baby ni..hhehee
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