Some of my friends were requested from me to upload some pics of my 'fishing' at Mothercare yesterday. I will, in anytime. promise!..bila free ok..sekarang mmg free tapi malassss..I bought the baby cot set, such as quilt -4 tog, fleece blanket, pillow case, bumper, normal blanket, some clothes and few items.. One thing is weird in here is, they do not do the small pillow and bolster for baby like we have in Malaysia..All the pillow is like adult's pillow and will be suitable for baby 6 to 12 months old..below 6 months old, takde bantal ok..kelakar lak..
The next visit to Mothercare will be next month or end of this month...to complete what we have not got before the 'arrival'..
seronok sungguh kau ek..enjoy the moments ye!!!
aret seronok sementara sakit beranak dtg..hhehehe..tqtqtq
Aku pun tak pakai pillow for baby coz worry of SIDS and oso pdaush pun tak suka pillow... bahaya ek, takut baby suffocate pun satu hal. Tapi kita dulu-dulu belasah je pakai bantal.
Nurul, kau rest la betul2 sekarang.. enjoy saat berdua-duaan. Sure, baby arrival mmg best but u wont have time for urself.. especially for the first year.But apa pun, mmg best ada baby..
aku rasa sbb newborn tak bagus piloow..tak bagus utk tulang belakang...dahla depa lembut...tapi tataula...
diana..betul kot..aku pun akan beli tilam yg extra lembut utk dia sb takde pillow kan..diana..aku rasa mcm dh puas enjoy brdua ni..nk masuk thn ke3 ni..hehehe..apa2pun doakan aku seme selamat k..
z..aku rasa mayb la..mmg aku decide cri je le tilam lembut sb takde bantal kan..
wahh cutenye...siap bereben eh.. cant wait to see the baby lah nurul,aku dok usya countdown ko evry time masuk sini....take care babe!
ima..aku akan start wat photoshoot utk pregnant time..dh nakmsuk 7 bulan dah..aku pun xsabar gak..doakan aku n baby selamat..aminn
anak anak nor 3 org semua tak pakai bantal, just lipat napkin je buat lapik kepala.
Dah 1++ baru beli bantak kat dia org...
takut tak?hehehe
nor..ya ka?kalu gitu kena guna lampin ja la lapik kepala babby nnti..ok ja..jimat..hehehhe
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