This blog is written by the person who gets lowest grade in English during SPM, so mind my English!
We have been to
-Rome, Venice, Milan, Como Lake, Bellagio, Florence, Bologna.
United Kingdom
-The whole Kingdom including scottish land.
-Paris, Lille, Calais, Metz, Nancy.
The Netherland
-Amsterdam, Utretcht, Roermond, Mastricht, Rotterdam, Zaans schans, Velondam, keukenhof etc.
Chez Republic
-Vienna, Salzburg.
-Basel, Zurich, Interlaken Lake, jungfraujich, geneva, brig, lausanne, Lugano
-West and East Germany except Munich.Luxembourg
United States of America
-San Francisco, Hawaii.
-Warsaw and Lodz
-Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, Barcelona
and counting...
Friday, 10 April 2009
Happy birthday...
Today is the day..the 10th April....Happy 31st birthday my darling..For the celebration, I just cooked nasi hujan panas with only 3 dishes. The dishes were, daging masak puri, fried lady fingers with chilies and cucumber pickle. The drink was orange juice..there was no cake since I baked it yesterday and we had 'pre celeb cake cutting' last night. The gift has given.It just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that I bought earlier from Zara clothes. Small and simple celebration,but the effort is count in here. "Any celebrations is meaningful when we celebrate it with our beloved person in life" Again, thanks for all the wishes in my facebook ...tq so much..
betul2..betul2.. ko ada lagi tak blog memask ko yg dulu. ako slalu tgk sbb nak dpt idea. kalau still active...pls let me know through facebook. thanks.
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah: Hijrah Merubah Kehidupan
10 tahun pantas berlalu...
~ 24 September 2007 (12 Ramadhan 1428H)
~ 24 September 2017 (3 Muharram 1439H)
10 tahun lalu kami memulakan perjalanan dari s...
This is the story.....
Assalamualaikum. Dah lama I tak blogging. Kali ni rasa nk share story
sepanjang I menyepikan diri dari alam maya ini. But kali ni xde gambar ye.
I jus...
Jgn bhenti berlari
Terlalu lama bhenti..melepaskan penat, meratapi nasib, lelah, sesak,
sibuk..kini rasanya diri ini perlu bangun semula utk memulakan pengembaraan
yg belum s...
Pejam celik...pejam celik...dah penghujug tahun...sekejap je masa berlalu
tanpa kita sedari....lagi 17 hari dah masuk tahun baru 2013......
Entry terpendam hahaha... Schl Holiday at Sarawak
since ni entry lama yang dah lama terpendam.. makanya aku malas nak story
banyak2.. korang layan gambar n cite dia sket2 je la eh
*Day 1*
- KL -KCH at KLIA...
Nurul..romantic betul laa..
ko betul2 inspire ako untuk masak for my husband...
take care!!
lin...seronokkan dpt masak kat hubby..esp bila dia puji sedap..hehehhe
ko ada lagi tak blog memask ko yg dulu.
ako slalu tgk sbb nak dpt idea.
kalau still active...pls let me know through facebook.
lin ok..
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