This is the article that I found from the Internet. The answer of where the weight goes for the pregnancy women.
7.5 - 8.5 lbs Baby
2 lbs Amniotic Fluid
1.5 - 2 lbs Placenta
1.5 - 2 lbs Breast Tissue
3 lbs Blood Volume
2 - 2.5 lbs Uterine Muscle
4 lbs Water
8 lbs Maternal Stores
Ok my current obsession is on baby's stuff shopping. So far I have already bought a few pair of baby's clothes. When I go through the list it will never end once I start shopping. It is so damn excited to prepare all the things. To welcome a new bundle of joys...No words to describe the real feeling of a new mum to be. Overwhelming..exciting..and seme -ing feeling la.. Sangat seronok ok!
The color of the the stuffs are regardless the gender of my baby. Any color will do for me. The only matters I have taken into account are, the cheap price and of course the quality. Yep, these two factors are must!
cute sungguh baju2 tuh. Mmg best shopping for baby kan.. lebih best dari shopping utk diri sendiri :)
diana..ya betullllll
oh! bestnya shopping brg baby...
But do buy bigger size nurul. kalau ko beli newborn size, dibuatnya anak ko jenis membesar bak juara, by 2 bulan dah x muat dah. Bel newborn sikit aje la, beli la yg saiz 6-3 months lebih.
neny..aku beli yg paling kecik saiz 1 bulan,,tu pun 4 lai je..yg lain 3 to 6 months..jimat sikit leh pakai lama,,hehehe
bagus la dah shopping..
jgn jadi mcm Noor dulu,
dah admitted kat hospital bcoz of premature contraction, tp baju baby 1 helai pun taraaa...
discaj je, teus ke kedai baby beli baju..ekekekek
1 more...nnt toksah la pkaikan dispo kat ur baby...nnt senang nak rashes n cost a lot tau...
since dah kat obersee, why not surver cloth diaper... noor rasa lg murah price dia, coz yg kat mesia pun dia import dr luar semua, and cost about rm 60-80 per per of CD...
Noor pakai CD time nighttime an weeekend je kat bebudak, coz stash tak cukup lg nak pakai everyday...maklumlah quite pricey n beli sikit2 ikut budget...
nnt mesti Nurul addict kat CD plak..hahah cam Noor
nanti bila free sikit Noor buat entry pasal CD kat blog okay...
p/s: jgn lupa breastfeed esp wihtin the 1st hour after delivery..
nor..tak brp clear apa yg nor ckp..tlg wat entry tu cloths diapers ok la price dia kat sini..tak la pricey sgt..
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