We were chasing for a train at Antwerp Central Station. The train just about to leave in no time soon. I almost struggled to catch up my breath to step my feet into the train.Finally, we were on board. Alhamdulillah. Just if we could not make it at the time showed, we have to wait for another one hour to return to Liege.
On board, we chose the first coach since we had not got enough time to sit at the other coaches. Right after sitting on the chair, the conductor blew up the whistle and there, the train off from the station. (Earlier this morning, we bought a rail pass and we have to write in details the journey everytime we use the pass. Read it carefully for the whole story.)
When we departed from Antwerp Station, two conductors were sitting by us. They were chatting, laughing and even making fun to each others. They were really looked like somebody off from their duty time..Loitering around on the chairs. I was asking Am to look for a pen to write the itinerary details on the pass. Unfortunately we did not bring any. So I told Am, 'Do u think I should ask a pen from these two conductors?' and Am said, 'do not bother, they must be out of their duty time, and we can ask from the on duty conductor when they come to check our ticket'. I do agree with Am's opinion. Why? Because normally, when we get in the train straightaway the conductor will approach their passengers to check the tickets and they will lend you a pen if you need to fill in the pass without making any complaints and they do not even dare to loitering around like these two monkeys k!
But, tonight the shitty scenario happened to us. The so-called bitchy-lady-conductor made my heart almost exploded.
In ten minutes of our journey, these two conductors started checking the tickets. We were the second people on board that was needed our ticket to be checked. When she stood by me, I said politely..'I am sorry, I forgot to bring my pen, can I borrow yours'? Then straightaway she replied rudely, 'you departed from Antwerp you should fill in the pass earlier.' And I said, 'Yes, I know but I do not have pen to write on it..'..Then she said, 'Why do not u asked me earlier..u saw me sat by u'..And again I replied, ' I thought u off duty because u just sitting there resting ur feet like -just-finished-ur-tonight-shift..'...And she kept saying the same statement which was, why we did not ask for the pen earlier...Oh God..what is the fucking hell la pompuan..
Normally, it does not matter, if you have the pass just ask the pen from the conductor and they will lend you a pen without bitching comments.. Ok fine..And then she said, you need to paid this amount of money..Guess how much? Bloody cost a bomb ok..Euro 55.80 including the fine. And we said,'we are sorry, can u just give me the pen and I fill in the pass without paying the huge amount of money?' And she said, 'yes sorry is sorry but u need to pay it' Trust me, It was not the fine that made felt annoying but her expression and intonation that made me furious... I said, 'we do not have cash..we only have a debit card'..and she said,'No..No..only visa is acceptable'..Bloody no-no to master card either k.
Suddenly, the other conductor came approaching us, and asked the lady what was happening? The lady's conductor said..bla2..as per story above. The guy seemed to let us scot free and just fill in our pass..but the lady insisted on fining us..And politely, the guy said, 'sorry..you need to pay this amount..Next time you have to be extra carefull ok'..And at the same time when Am gave his credit card, I just about to swear out loud with my healthy lungs, kidneys and all on that lady. To show my bad tempered. Angin k! I just snatched our pass in her hand rudely. She was staring at me blankly and I said, 'this is my pass, if u want me to pay the fine, that is it ok..but u do not have to keep my fucking pass'. All the eyes in the coach was staring at me ..I did not care how rude they think I am ok..I am not fucking care..come on..what a scene she tried to make tonight...The rest of the conductors are ok..we never met somebody that so bitchy like this bloody girl..pegi mampus la!
Ok the incident was ended there.And we never seen the lady again after that for the whole journey. How glad we were!
Suddenly, out of the blue...one of the controller man came to each passengers and let us knew the top and shocking news...hehehhe..He asked where was our destination..When I said 'liege', he just said..'ok you just stay where u are..no need to get off and change the train'..but this train will go to leuven first and not use the normal track because there was one guy who is trying to kill himself on the track..So police do not allowed any traffic to go through the track..Oh my God..what?committing suicide? huh..I guess recession to be blamed my be..so here we are..30 minutes late arrived in Liege plus needed to pay huge amount of fine..The journey that I could not forget forever in my life...experience eh? Anyway, thanks to kak khis, abg madzli and fitri for the hospitality..Nasi lemak daun pisang is yummyyyyyyy! toche2..see you all next week perhaps, for our subway dating in Brussels ok.
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
You should being rude la. That bloody conductor deserved it.
Aku pun kekadang bengang jugak dalam beberapa ocassion.Kadang2 local people tengok foreigner macam kita ni bodoh sgt.... example: not understand english, tak tau guna computer, tak tau high end brand (ni biasa la kalau masuk kedai yg class2 the shop asstnt akan suka cakap 'Its Timberland' in sarcastic tone. Benci OK
sabor nurul..sabor..pregnant lady mana bleh cepat naik hangin..heheh..patutla kau asyik berangin..hehehe..gurau je..jgn marah yer..oklah..this is my point of view..sama macam dal,sama kes gak la mcm mana kita memandang mat2 indon dan bangla kat sini..i mean kat Malaysia ni la..kdg2 kalau melebih sgt..kita bahasa kan je..org kata masuk kandang harimau kita mengaum..masuk kandang kambing kita mengembek..masuk kandang Liege...kau bayar jela...rule is rule, jgn kesal jgn kenang..walau hati rasa pedih..chewah..lirik lagu la plak:)
hmmm leh beli almari bb tu...
dal..ha ah kan,,mcm taik siol..benciiiii..
aret..tu la langsung aku ngaum mlm td..hahahahha..
zek..bukan takat almari baby..leh beli kasut ngn ko lg 3 pasanggggggggggg..uwaaaaa
eh dal..lain kali ko jawabnya kat sales girl mcm tu..kata je..apa ingat timberland brand tu posh ke?hahhahaa..
Wowwwzzz its blaaassttt )))))
A PEN... made a big issues...
zie..yes it is for the low iq like the lady conductor...hihihi
nurul, jaga emosi sewaktu pregnant. the effects will be seen on the baby soon or during ur post natal while confinement.
just my 2 cents.
chenad..tq..aku sgt lah sabarudin sepanjang preggy ni tp kali ni aku dh angin gila..heheheh..tp akan aku jaga takut terkenan kat anak..hheehe..toche2..
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