I am happy to be the first to see his achievement.
I am jumping for joy to see him behaves in a good manner.
I am proud to say that I am the one who decides what is good or not for him etc.
Well Am does give an opinion and help me on this matter but since Haris is 24/7 under my supervision so I have to do most of the tasks and responsible from the simplest to the most demanding job. Though, I do not dare to jeopardize my solely decision in some matters regarding my baby so I have to ensure both of us agree in finding a decision , I mean the final decision in certain matters.
The best thing for staying at home mum is, there is neither 'no time' constraint of eight to five for the office hours nor the traffic jam to think off like commuting from home to the office. Actually I was thinking to start a small business from home
though I am still looking for an appropriate business to start with, any idea?
Entertaining my son while managing the house chores, teaching him about the basic skills, monitoring his development pace etc do require a very high tolerance and patience, I did lost my sanity before but after a deep thinking I come to the conclusion that, the chances of bringing up my own flesh and blood is like a special gift for me from God, and I will never realized how special it is until my boy is growing up and leaving the nest for good, and I am pretty sure he will before I know it.
Ok, let's forget about my stay-at-home tasks. Actually, I was meant to story about art and craft activity. This morning, when I was thinking of the best activity for Haris, out of nowhere, the idea of creating a coloring activity by using a toilet roll was popping out in my mind. The crafty activity is usually giving us such an enjoyable moment. Thus, I was saying to myself why did not I give it a go.
Straightaway I got ready with all the stuffs and I sat him on his highchair. I gathered all the toilet rolls which I collected since the few weeks back and with some water colors we were ready to start the activity. Ops, do remember to use the colors which are safe for the kids!
I showed him how to paint the rolls and let him did the rest. I could see he was using his small brain to show his creativity. After coloring all the rolls, he arranged them all, like this.
Surprisingly, he loved the activity so much. The cost for the activity was nothing because I just used all the recycle toilet rolls.
So, for the mums out there, spending time with the kids sometimes is not about the money, but it is about our presence, that is the most important things after all to them.
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