I went to buy some chicken and meat this afternoon. On the way back we went sightseeing just to take a look for the preparation of second Braderie before summer sale in July. The second Braderie is going to start tomorrow until end of June.
While walking I was thinking of buying some food at Exki restaurant. I bought a brownie for Haris. I never thought he would loves the brownie so much. Can you believe it, he ate all the brownie with a vengeance just in a couple of minutes. I just about to take a bite but all I could see was, a paper cup of the brownie only left. Sigh! If just I knew I would bought at least two brownies instead of one. Hmmm..
wahhh..dah besar dah anak teruna kak nurul...hehehe...
ye ummi n dh makin pnjg akal..hehee
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