Being rich, having great power and knowledgeable do not mean you have a privilege to despise other people. Double standard in entertaining people is not right in my humble life dictionary.
Working with the Embassy in the overseas does not mean you are the best and people must respect you more. No! no! no! It does not apply in that way unless you are no brain-er.
Holding a title of the spouse of the diplomat does not give you a chance to act like you are better than the spouse of the student. What is the different between us are, the way we behave and the way we create a good image with people. If you have degree, so do I and in fact I have a degree in Engineering. But, this degree thingy is not something you should be proud of because nowadays, so many people have masters and Phd(s). So what is the new then? Nothing!
For these past years of being abroad, I met various people from the Embassy (London and Belgium). Some of them are too modest, too friendly and very easy to mingle around but there is a very little number in a statistic of them are snobbish, cocky and arrogant.
Being stubborn me, I am so not going to entertain these arrogant people. You are upper class people, bosses, spouses to the bosses or otherwise-all ticks the boxes of top ranking people right?But, hear me out folks, I do not care. I will behave whatever appropriate of my mankind behavior. For me, I will approach them twice, for the first time by making ice breaking conversation, getting to know each other better or offering a handshake towards them, if the respond is so-so and plain thus I will back off and trying again some other time for twice, but this time if they keep bragging about how great and powerful they are, so with the wholeheartedly ignorance is my way. People can cocky twice with me but I do not do thrice because I have dignity in me.
The best way to treat these people are by taking no notice to them, just sit and laid back, karma will pay. Honestly, if they think they can get going by boasting around, I guess they are wrong. It is a human nature to being respect and loved but to gain a respect from people, we have to show respect to others too. Respect is something you cannot buy with money and power. So, if you are happy for being cocky, I have no problem with it because that is your call.
By the way, I might be not having a time to update my blog for a week or more because I am heading to Paris this coming Sunday and will be staying in one of the hotel in Paris for a week. This is my second visit to Paris and I am going to blog about it if I had a free time, InsyaAllah.