Yesterday I went to buy my birthday gift. I chose to buy sunglasses instead of handbag since I haven't got a proper sunglasses and I kept complaining everytime the sun shines so bright.
Back and forth for a couple of time at the numerous optical shops, so resulting in me choosing Just Cavalli brand by Roberto Cavalli. I opted for Gucci, Marc Jcob and Prada but the designs did not suit my visage or figure at all. The short nose and square face do not make any better in choosing the sunglasses.
So, after numerous trying on the sunglasses and it including various brand, I agree to buy this one.
Hoping the sun to shine brightly very soon eventhough it a small chances in this autumn season...hehehe
apa kata ko amik pic time ko pakai sunglass, baru bleh tgk cun ke tak;) aku ni jenis kalau dirve atau jln kat panas, mesti kena pakai sunglass sbb mata aku ni kan sgt la ada eyebag yg ala2 pakai apa pun masih tp eye bag nyer..hehehehhe
aret..tnggu ada amtahari nnti aku pakai kt luar hehehe..skrg asik gloomy n makin hari makin bleak je..hehehe
p.s-fb aku yg kawan deactivate tau.bkn delete kwn2 ke apa k..aku tingai yg famili ja..hehehe
betul2..better posing ngan shade tuh..baru ler real..hihihi..tapi ader shade yg bley pakai masa rainning..kasik clear view tgh tak salah ler pakai waktu tak der mr sun pun...hihihii..
oh ye eh kin..ti aku try mcm peliklak kang org tgk aku hehehe..ok nnti aku outing aku amik gmbr pakai shades ni
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