Enough means is that it.Full stop. No additional or tittle tattle regarding the related matter.' No-no ' shout here and there, 'No-no' in trying to make it like everything is right but at the same time we act such a completely cow. But sometimes, people do not think as what we think. Of course the different brain comes out with the different ideas whatsoever. No need to elaborate more or otherwise people will twist what we have said, And sometimes they will keep repeating things when you are completely silent and back off.
So,the wise action is, chuck unnecessary things into the bin. Whatever or you might say less like items @ things @ anything.
After thinking carefully, I do not want to be hypocrite#.
=the definiton of #, is a person who pretends to be what he is not.
Well I tend to think others hypocrite when they do not suit the definition above but at the same time I do not realize I was, am or will be in the same boat as them. I am 100 percent confident if we are human, and we ever feel like pretending, even though just once in a life time. No matter in what aspects, So when the 'pretending' feeling does excist, automatically we are in the definition of hypocrite.
Remember, nobody is perfect, so do I.
So, I am stop pretending as I like this or that things because in my heart I always know I do not like it after all.
The determination is must!
So, I made up my mind without having a second thought.
To get my life back (read=happy and put myself first before others). Thus, undoubtedly, I did that.
Might be after this entry has written, I will talk about crapy thing. Meaningful but not too personal. I meant it wholeheartedly. ( i have to delete the ori version as it might hurt some people feelings)
If you think my writing is going to make your brain 'shut down' you can click at the 'X' button on the top of the right handside of your computer, but if you are happy to read it, you are most welcome..
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
ruhmit kronologi ni:)tp mcm ni lah nurul,aku pernah rasa apa yg kau rasa. Memang sakit,tp mcm mak aku selalu pesan, suka ke tak suka, mmg diam yg paling baik (tahan beb,lg byk kita bgtau org, lagi sakit hati) dan berdoa agar Allah bg kita kekuatan utk bertenang supaya kita dpt pikir dgn sebaiknya. Marah adalah api.Air adalah penawar, dan air yg di maksudkan disini adalah MEMAAFKAN DAN MINTA MAAF. It's simple but not that easy.Peringatan ni utk aku gak. Insyaallah
aret...thanks..sebab tu aku dh tak nk rumitkan kronolgi :)dgn buat apa yg perlu..study wei no more fb blog or ym utk ko selagi report xsiap
ive been reading n following ur blog ever since i was in Leeds l until today.
Happily to say that some of your writing quite informative and loved-to-be-shared for. Unfortunately, im so sorry to say that most of them (as of today's entry) were the most unfavorable. Yup, u have the right to say wutever u wanted to say publicly, but somwhow or rather uve been hurt some of the people out there who were not really care about you (or worst who really attached to you anyhow).
saying things crappy ... yess..go ahead, it's freedom world anyway, but when u say that "talking about crappy things as such the experience being a mother" is ridiculous! that's NOT crap, okay. everybody loves to be a mom for herself, that-precious-life experiences shoudnt be classified as crappy thing to be talked about.
beware of the words being used for it might hurts som1 or exposed the 'real stupido' of urself.
so sorry to say the truth, in fact a fren shudnt be hypocrite to her frens, doesnt she..?
pedasss tapi fikir2kanlah.
cheers mate!
heheh..ko pon....bertenang..toksah asik tensi je k
areT..apa ko ckp tu, mungkin betul la kan..forgive n forget..but..klu ko takleh forgive n ko simpan aje dlm hati, ko pasti akan meletup...n meracau2 dlm blog atau status FB hahaha...
n kalau ko forget, ada kemungkinan kesalahan lama akan diulangi..
aku...never forgive n forget. lantak la apa org cakap...waakakakaka
apa2 hal, aku doakan..segala loser2 dlm idup ko berambus dan tak menyakitkan hati ko lagi..
i say, write whatever u want. we all use our blogs as a channel to let or depression, aggression whatever. meroyan, menayang, mengata, whatever...
and if talking abt things that stress u out make u a better person because of that (aka tak meracau2 di alam reality sbb dah let out), then go ahead.
people always talk abt freedom of speech, but when we do write it, they can't accept it. and funnily, i don't really see why one person's opinion would matter when they themselves, do write freely when they have something to say themselves...agak hypocritical la i think. y write when u can't even express urself? i see no sense in that
i was there when u were depressed with haris, baby blues, as they call it. i felt how u felt tru smses, email, ym n stuff. it is a very normal condition some ppl could get after birth..n those who dont get it, should be thankful they didnt have to go tru such predicaments n not judge ppl who have to deal with it.
but i have to say la nurul...i always write what i think..however bad or good things may be. but if u think ur not able to do or say d things u want because ppl can b so..u know...judgmental, screw them...write what u want n ignore them, or just change ur blog n fuck em.
hahah zek...tu la aku mcm can't see sense sometimes kalu takleh lepas depression kita thru writing.as long as kita tak kata org unless org buat duliu aku melompat la.. Takkan nak lepas kat baby n am kot..tak lojik la kan.ekekekee.well. i was thinking to change my blog but tgk la cene..
sgt time aku depress, baby blues nobody as I called friends be with me to ask abt it..only some..u knw who u r..thanks 4 that..but what my so called friends do know are..malas nk komen pnjg2..tp tu la..'tau sama tau la'..sng.abis cite
wei bru aku perasan..komen aku pjg mcm blog entry wekeke
zek ko wat entry utk aku lg masyuk la hahaha
it took me awhile to finalize the feedback for ur comments. In fact i think a full fine day.First thing, I am glad that some of my entries are useful and informative to share with..
but at the same time, I am so sorry if some of the articles are unfavorable especially this entry. Hmm, since you give me the pedas comment I hope u do not expect to receive a sweet feedback from me but I try to less bitchy since u got ur point.
ok u said, I hurt people out there who were not really care about me or worst who really attached to me, I guess u put urself in one of these people shoes, rite? My answer is, when I wrote before this, the people who not in the blog list of mine are never ever crossed in my mind to be hurt and to refer with. Apatah lg kawan2 aku kat mesia yg dah lama aku tak jumpa and tak tau apa kabar depe in details. so u are far from the person that I care to 'bitchy' in all my entries. I used to respect all ur points but not for this. Plus again I want to stress my point here, my blog is used to be a space for my ramblings n my experiences and i never ever invited the readers to read it. So do not expect me to write a sweet thingy when I am moody in the future. It my experiances. life is full of ups n downs, at least i am not 'mencarut' in my blog. again if u can't stand any of my entries that never ever been referred to urself just use the X button n no need to show ur stupido by reading a stupid entries from a stupid writer. I hope u get it clear as clear as crystal water about this.
You said,I can say crappy thing bcoz it freedom world, but why on earth are u jump up ur arse when I said about this entry. I refer 'experience being a mum' as a crappy thing when the depress, down n many more negative feelings or things that occured when I took care of my baby. ie. my bad habit of shopping baby thingy since I knew I fell pregnant until I gave birth. Spending money a lot is one of crappy thing in my mum's world.Mayb not 4 u but yes for mine. It one of the negative attitude of takleh tgk barang baby when I b a mum. So,Please, u r not the only mum on earth ok. I am a mum too.just think about that!
u said i have to beware of my words that I used, so how about the words that u used on me?yes it too pedas i have to admit but u sound hypocrite jugak when u said smthng vice versea like freedom world but when i said smthng freely ( n not even refer it to anybody n again far from urself) u r the one yg could not accept it.
so i think u shld think too
p.s- no heart feelings ok, i hope we can stil befriend after this or perhaps n joy tea or coffee at mamak stall..
im not sure if we are at the same wavelength to have a cup of coffee at kopitiam or teh tarik at mamak stall after all in future, nurul.
org menilai seseorang melalui kawan2nya, jika kita berkwn dgn saudagar minyak wangi, 'wangilah' kita, begitulah jugak sekiranya kita berkwn dgn si tukang besi, maka 'comotlah' kita.
pelik... apabila kita berkias ke arah kebaikan, tetapi unfavourable path yg dipilih utk kepuasan diri sendiri yg tidak diketahui baik buruknya.
full stop.
for the breasfeeding entry..use shawl lika pashmina to cover..it works and stylish - ZAHIRAH
aisey.. bagi aku lak tukang besi ke, saudagar myk wangi ke aku kawanje seme..luaskan pemandangan n pilihan asalkan dua2 jenis ni tau batasan sbg kawan.
tp kalau even tukan cuci tandas pun tau cara gunakan private msg instead of public space kalau ada tak kena so aku rather go to tukang ciuci tandas..
p.s -kalau kawn ngn saudagar myk wangi sekalipun mkalau badan jenis hapak akan juga hapak at the end..
really really full stop
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