Yes, yes I know if I keep writing about my pregnancy experience, some of you might think my blog is turning to PIBG blog. Well, I guess it will somehow in no time. So pardon me for the uneasy entry about all this k. Heehehe..I am planning to make this 40 weeks of my journey as a special journal, so that I can remember it precisely when I am a few years ahead later on. I want to appreciate every moment of it. InsyaAllah.
Since a few weeks back, I face the same problem, nausea. But I read somewhere that this problem will go away when you up to 12 or 13 weeks of pregnancy, and I do hope so. It is very awful indeed to go through this morning sickness. It not just in the morning, it will come anytime though! And sometimes it can make my day worsen or even worst!
Oh by the way, I know it is too soon to buy for baby thingy but I cannot help myself from doing the survey on it. I visited a few baby shops and so far the cheapest white baby cot I can get is from IKEA ( I only want white colour for the baby cot, mosses basket and wardrobe for the baby, that is my so -called dream since I was single k..hhehee..jauh betul impian tu). Yep, so do you know, in Europe IKEA is the cheapest shop to buy furniture thingy and it is suitable for the budget people like us. It is so contrast compare to Malaysia. Maybe because of the currency converter, I guess!
Ops, we already received our ID thus, I will plan for our next trip soon, maybe in this coming February. I do not even know where our destination this time is, but I want to get out from Belgium soon. Bosan la wei! Ok hope I will find the best offer and place to visit soon. Ciao!
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
Nurul...nausea tu normal...tapik remember you control your mind..kena buat busy2 sikit.
tu tips dari ako laa...alhamdulillah...dua2 pregnancy ni takde sickness.
kalau nak ikut mmg lemah2 badan je...nak tido sokmo...
pas dpt baby ni, tak bosan lagi lah kot...dah ada kawan..heheh
oit ok aje buat blog pregnancy...detailed lagi la wei hehehe
lin..skng aku sgt wat mcm2 nk bg lupa..ok bila bau mknnn goreng and tgk dapur aku stil uwek..
aret..aku pun rasa ..mesti pasni bz jaga anak.. ke?ok ti aku lg detail k..hahahha..
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