Have you been noticing that your dress size has been creeping up a number or two? Are your favorite jeans getting a little snug? If you answered yes to any of these question, then you may be considering losing a little weight to help your body to get back into shape. But (as most of us know!) weight loss is not an easy thing to attempt, and, if done improperly, it can be leaded to serious health risks.
Me, myself, I am piling up a few pounds..To be exact 4kg. I can't continue my exercise regime since the weather is getting colder. I can't stand the outside weather without my jacket and gloves. So how on earth I can exercise with so-called 'heavy outfits and bleak weather'? So, I need any ideas from my readers what is the best way that you ever used to loose some weight. The cliche advivce does not count in here. What I mean by cliche advice is, give the tips without try it on to yourselves. I want the reality and experimented advice how you really loose your weight. If possible with the proof of before and after, pics..hehehhhe..Is it too much to ask? Bukan apa, as a motivation la! That's all.
Currently, I reduce the intakes of-
1. Rice-only once a day before 7.pm.
2. No heavy foods at night, just plain water and if I am too hungry, I go for biscuits or a slice of bread.
I really am feeling annoying and inferiority complex with my current weight. huhuhu..Any ideas anybody?
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
Kak nurul,
U may try to posa sunat every isnin and khamis.Fasting..Good for your stomach too.
alamak..im using my fren's laptop.lpa lak nak tukar nama
mimi..takpe..pose sunat eh?bagus gak tu..sejuk2 ni asiknk mkn jeerrrr
betul nurul, i loose weight when puasa. makan la korean ginseng, badan tak sejuk, leh pi jogging walaupun freezing kat luar...rasa cam nak lari pecut... energy giler byk...tak tipu :p
nabil..korean ginseng?waw mahai dak>?kalu murah leh la..hehehee
tak mahai sgt... aku beli kat uk, satu kotak ada 30 bijik lebey kurang £6. tapi jaga2 effect dia kuat :p
aku cadangkan posa je la....
nurul...no rice, kentang, santan and oil at all..no sugar n only lowft milk klu perlu. but mkn protein utk panaskan bdn...aku buley bg regime pjg berjela n dh tentu berkesan, i lost more than 20 kilos, but sanggupkah anda? huhuhu
z..kalu aku amik ikan..maknanya aku kena ala stim je seme ek>?sayur pun?kalu terjepit aku wat..
aret..tu last resort aku tu..hahahaha
kak nurul... ikan tuh wat stim ker.. bakar ker.. sedap jgk.. sayur selalu buat sup sayur...tak pung salad jea (sekarang tgh berazam nak kurus jgk). Harit uh dah 5 hari tak mkn nasi.. pastu ada open house.. terus habih diet yg 5 hari tuh.. sekarang abru nak start balik...
tik..jop sama2 slim kan badan,,hahaha
Nurul.. yakin boleh ;)
nurul, aku pon tgh berdiet ni..aku pakai sliming creme then pakai sliming bodysuit. okla utk perut tp tahan la rasa cam nak terbakar kat perut ni ha. pastu once a while kalau telebih mkn, aku minum dtox cleansing tea. so far ok la.
dal..moto rakan mud je bunyi..hehhee
intan..berkesan dak cara tu?
nurul, nak kata berkesan tu berkesanla tp bukan on the spot la..tp aku rs ni more to maintain bukan reducing body weight. tp pas brsalin dulu aku mmg jaga mkn ngan bt aerobik, tu mmg sgt berkesan, sebln aku turun 4 kg.
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