We officially booked our tickets to Brussel,Belgium on 1st april 2008 at 10.30a.m.
This date is equal to my mum's birthday and april fool.Such an interesting date for me. We will depart from Manchester Airport with Brussel Airlines.Apparently, we are expecting to arrive at Brussel Airport at 12.30p.m.I hope this is the safe journey for us..insyaAllah...so a week to go before we can say gud bye to the U.k for good...I think so...yehaaaaaa...
Assalamualaikum and Hallo
Subhanallah... banyak gila benda nak gossip tapi masa tak cukup 24H..
dah masuk 2018 dah!
gossip pertama skali, we'ol pindah ruma...
7 years ago
Hope u have safe journey.Yay..lepas ni kalau gi Belgium dah ada tourist guide.ehehee
mimi..bole ja..silakan dtg tau..nk dtg bgtau..dijemput sgt2...
nurul... nnt kiteorg buat rombongan pegi Belgium... hehe...
bole2..silakan dtg..nk dtg habaq awai2 noo..hehhee
yay akhirnya....penatla ko lps tu unpacking kat umah baru. wei...shopping dulu...nt rugi...
zek..sgt..next tuesday aku nk sopink sikit2 apa yg perlu b4 pi..hehehe
Selamat menjadi resident Belgium Nurul...kalau aku rajin nanti aku dtg melawat hihih
Dal..apa kata dtg ja tak yh tnggu rajin..kikikiki..aku tnggu ko dtg k.
nurul, at lasttt.. bestnya boleh merasa duduk 2 negara..
sopink puas2..
as..sgt ada soldes gak kat belgium..hahhaha
as..sgt..tak tau la bestke idak..tp aku rasa in term of nak tour europe bestla..sng sikit..tempat aku pun nnti dh sempadan german ..hehehe
sgt la nurul, perkataan soldes tu yg ditunggu2..
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