
We have been to

Italy -Rome, Venice, Milan, Como Lake, Bellagio, Florence, Bologna. United Kingdom -The whole Kingdom including scottish land. Belgium France -Paris, Lille, Calais, Metz, Nancy. The Netherland -Amsterdam, Utretcht, Roermond, Mastricht, Rotterdam, Zaans schans, Velondam, keukenhof etc. Chez Republic -Prague. Slovakia -Bratislava. Hungary -Budapest. Austria -Vienna, Salzburg. Switzerland -Basel, Zurich, Interlaken Lake, jungfraujich, geneva, brig, lausanne, Lugano Germany -West and East Germany except Munich. Luxembourg United States of America -San Francisco, Hawaii. Poland -Warsaw and Lodz Spain -Madrid, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, Barcelona Turkey -Istanbul Singapore Russia -st.petersburg and counting...


Saturday 15 November 2008

My personal opinion about languages

Before moving to Belgium, my mind and heart were too stubborn to learn a new language, in my case is French. So, I will focus on French and English languages only in this entry k. I was telling myself, I will not going to learn French even Liege people use French as their first language. I kept refusing when Am told me to buy any relevant French books in advance, when we were in Manchester. I insinuated him by saying ' try to keep your intention to learn French to yourself k, I am not interested. I will stick to the gun to use English language to communicate with Liege people later on'. I was so pig headed and soulless in this matter. Eventually, Am was giving up to persuade me. He carried out learning alone and said, 'do not regret it later if you are having trouble in communication with French community'. I just gave him nonchalantly looked like an 'orang utan'..hehehhe.

Well, what to do? I was so proud to use only English as the medium of communication with foreigner. Well, you know how Malaysian people think about English, right?. In our people's mind are, English is a posh language. If you can speak very well, you are great! That the normal scenario in Malaysia. Am I right? But, I am not regret this condition k. At least we, as a Malaysian will improve ourselves in a communication skills in the eyes of the world..Cheewah..Unfortunately, one thing I cannot stand though, if people try to create, make or sound some 'accent' when use the English language. Such as, 'british accent', ' American accent' or whatsoever accents. I just afraid I will puke straightaway on your face if you guys do that..hahahaa..Just kidding but Come on k, if belacan takkan jadi cheese k! I was struggling to improve my English language to suit Malaysia condition when I return for good later. I was taking English class for almost two years and in fact, I was sitting for the exam and getting the certificate in the language.

My stubbornness finally disappeared in the thin air when one incident happened to me in the supermarket here. Well, lets me figured out the incident carefully in the right sequences k. The story was like this, one day I went to Delhaize to buy some groceries. I chose self check out counter to pay my items. When I was paying, accidently I pressed one number of recycle bag to collect point in my shopping card. Suddenly, the standby cashier at the self check out till came approached me and said in French something that I could not understand at all. I said to her, I did not understand French and could she tell me in English instead. You know what she did when I asked her that? She kept mumbling and pulling her face like b#tch and insisting on telling me in French what the fuss was all about. I knew for sure she was insulting and bad cursed me because I did understand one bad word that she said though! The word meant 'stupid person'. Can you imagine how my feeling was? I felt annoying and angry with her. I talked back to her in Malay since I had already lost my grip! For sure I bad language her either..haahahaa..

Truthfully, that is not the main point k. What I'd like to emphasize in this entry is, since that day I have changed my mind setting. I was urging my friend to looking for the place to learn French on behalf of me. Let's all the stupidest attitude of the old me be water under the bridge! So, here I am, a new me, in the middle of learning. I promised to myself, I will and must know how to speak French sooner or later. I do not want to glorify the only English language too much in my life. Never ever again. I can see how French people proud of their language. I know other people in the whole world will proud if foreigners try to learn and use their mother tongue language. It is does not matter at all if you have done the mistakes in the usage, since you dare to use them. So, to those who think like I was before, It just about the right time for you to rethink about it. For me all languages are posh if we, people appreciate the language itself. Like the proverb said, when in Rome do as a Roman! So, that is exactly what I am trying to do right now. To adapt myself with Belgian lor..

P/s-What the lady was trying to say was, I cannot simply pressed the number of the recycle bag, if I did not have any. In her mind, I was trying to cheat to get the extra point in my shopping card quickly and easily. So that, I can claim the prize shortly soon. In other word, she thought, I am a cheater.


Red,Gold n Green said...

Bagus nurul..hopefully hang akan pandai ckp french dgn baik nanti..good for u

missselfridge said...

aret..aminnn insyalh..

ima said...

wow nurul,all the best eh..

missselfridge said...

ima..tq eh..

Natrah &Helmi said...

sungguh terkagum aku ngn entry ko ari ni..betulkn..mereka bangga ngn bahasa mereka, kita lebih bangga ngn bahasa kedua kita..aku pun perasan kat gent camtue gak, walaupun boleh berbahasa English, tapi mereka bangga dgn bhasa mereka..tapi still belajar bahasa lain tuk persaingan/komunikasi global je...good job on your effort of learning french..keep it up!Aku cuma dapat mantapkan English aku je kat sini..(takde masa nak blajo dutch)...tapi mulai sekarang aku akan lebih mencintai bahasa aku sendiri:)

missselfridge said...

heheh enatrah ..aku ckp apa pendaat aku yg aku perasan scenario arini aku rasa dutch area lg wajibkan foreigner guna and blaja bhs depa kan?takpa ko tumpukan pd phd la dulu..hhehee