Have I mentioned about Haris is grumpy and cranky everytime he wants to sleep in the evening? Even though after feeding and burping he still refuses to sleep. So I made a research via Internet, the reaserch is about the reasons why baby is having trouble in sleeping. Baby center answers all my needy answers. One of the reason that caught my eye is baby need to be swaddled. I tried it before with muslin square but Harris rejected it. So I tried again this evening by using swaddle blanket that Am bought in the last two weeks. This blanket is purposely design for swaddling.
The amazing thing is, Haris falls asleep right after I swaddled him tightly. Perhaps he feels like being in my tummy time so that is why he loves it so much. Being a mum we need to try everything to please our baby, in other word is 'try and error'..wink wink.., and I am glad I found the answer for the question mark in my mind. Hmm maybe I have forgotten, he is still a baby after all. Haris..Haris..Mama loves u so much!
mesti muka baby haris
bahagia bila tido ni..(^_^)
swaddling=berbedung in bahasa...selama ni kau tak bedungkan dia ke nurul...??budak kecik kena bedung kan..ceh...ckp mcm pandai je kan...heheheh...
kau berpantang sorang2 ek..mahal pengalaman ni nurul..tak semua org dpt..kau insan terpilih..and i am proud of u:))..nasib baik haris tak byk ragam kan..
that is so great, we had issues after baby could escap swaddling and got a sleep sack for th epurpose called a Peke Moe http://www.pekemoe.co.nz, worked great too! :)
hi nurul,
so skrg haris dah tak meragam la erk.. :)
aritu masa tgk pic haris, nak jugak tanya nurul tak bedung haris ke? orang tua2 pesan kalau nak bagi baby senang tido elok bedungkan diorang..
lagi satu takut nanti bila dia besar nanti jalan kengkang plak.. :P
ummi nnti kak nurul letak muka dia dlm swaddle hehee..
aret ye bedung..and aku tak pernh bedung dia..sb aku pernh try ngn kain lampin besa dia reject..mayb sb lampin tak kemas so tgn dia terkeluar..guna selimut bedung tu mmg dia senyap trus sb selimut tu mcm melekat je kat badan dia..tq aret mmg mahal exp aku jd first time mum kat sini..seme sendiri..huhuhu
elziera..b4 ni ngn lampin je dia reject..dia mmg tak byk ragam cuma last two days dia meragam nk tido ptg..skng dh ok..dia mmg baby yg sng jaga sungguh la..nasib baik kalu tak payah la nk jaga..huhuhu
yess,kak nurul dh letak!!thanx kak nurul..sungguh "syomel" okeh...hehe
ummi..as i promised..tqttqq
hehe..kita suka, yeay!!
p/s: kak nurul,raut wajah baby haris mmg ikut akak, serius! (^_^)
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